Construction Management

Plaza East

Chantilly, VA


This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.




Steve Miller's Bio

Steven Miller is a fifth-year construction management student in the Architectural Engineering program at Penn State.  He is scheduled to graduate in December of 2008 with an integrated bachelors and masters of Architectural Engineering.

His first real-world experience in construction came in the summer of 2006, when he interned with James G. Davis Construction in Rockville, MD.  There he acted as an Assistant Project Manager on a core and shell office building.  It was an excellent opportunity which helped to hone his business skills and expand on his construction knowledge.

The following summer, Steve obtained an internship with Grunley Construction in Rockville, MD but was working in the central DC area.  There he worked as an Assistant Superintendent on the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.  Steve quickly became an integral member of the project team, requiring little training before taking over key responsibilities.  In addition to laying out chases for mechanical, electrical, telecom, and plumbing, Steve found himself performing a number of duties involving historical preservation.

Aside from his classwork at Penn State, Steve is an active member of his fraternity, Phi Sigma Kappa.  He joined the organization in the fall of his freshman year, and has since taken on key leadership roles, including officer positions such as Pledge Master two semesters in a row.  Other fraternity duties and activities have included rush chair, homecoming chair, THON chair, and the softball, football, and volleyball teams.  Steve is also a member of S:PACE, the Student Partnership for Achieving Construction Excellence and SSAE, the Student Society of Architectural Engineers (AEI).  His involvement with the Penn State Dance Marathon has been on-going for five years straight.  Participating in the largest student-run philanthropy required a strong commitment, but their dedication allowed them to raise over $5.2 million last year for the Four Diamonds Fund, which helps children and their families who are diagnosed with cancer. These organizations have greatly helped to shape his leadership skills that will be essential for success as his construction career begins.







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    This page was last updated on December 3, 2007 by Steven Miller and is hosted by AE Department (c) 2007